March 10, 2004


The meeting was convened by Dr. Chris Hanlon, Chair, at 4:02 p.m. in the Library Conference Room.


Present:  Kathryn Bulver, Harrison Green, Chris Hanlon, Olivet Jagusah, Scott Meiners, Frances Murphy, Charles Phillips, Leslie Rios, and Dawn Van Gunten


Excused:  Olaf Hoerschelmann, Stacey Ruholl, Mukti Upadhyay, and Eric Hake


Absent:    Steve Davis, Tom Moncada, and John Stimac



I.  Welcome and Comments


Chris Hanlon reminded the board that the next and last meeting of the semester is April 28.


The minutes from the February 11, 2004 meeting were approved as submitted.



II. Communications


Communications were received from Olaf Hoerschelmann, Stacey Ruholl, Mukti Upadhyay and Eric Hake regarding their inability to attend today’s meeting.  Chris Hanlon received communication from John Stimac that he would be late.



III. Old Business


One Book/One University Ideas.  Chris Hanlon distributed a handout listing the proposed titles in rank order that the Board had recommended at the last meeting.  Allen Lanham advised that we could obtain any of these books for under ten dollars.  Dean Lanham had also spoken at the Faculty Senate Forum about this topic in general.  Each faculty member there had their own favorite book.  It was suggested that we look at a topic rather than one specific book.  However, they were quite supportive of this project.  The process of choosing one title will include the Library Advisory Board, library faculty, Dean and Provost. 


A motion was made by Scott Meiners and seconded by Olivet Jagushah to discuss and recommend three titles from this list of five.  The discussion ensued about getting students interested in and reading classics and the difficulty of getting students to read outside the required coursework.  All five titles were discussed:  Guns, Germs and Steel; Invisible Man; Nickel and Dimed; Reading Lolita in Tehran; and Walden.  Kathryn Bulver moved that we recommend three acceptable titles:  Reading Lolita in Tehran:  a Memoir in Books by Azar Nafisi, Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison, and Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich.  The motion was seconded and passed unanimously by the Board. 


Book and Materials Budget.  The desirability of a resolution for presentation to the campus administration was discussed.  Chris Hanlon suggested a subcommittee be formed, consisting of two persons to design language for the resolution (or statement of concern).  Harrison Green and Olivet Jagushah agreed to be the subcommittee. 



IV. New Business




Dean’s Report


Personnel Issues

Service Issues

Planning Issues





V.  Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 4:56 pm.



Respectfully submitted by:

Christine Derrickson, Recording Secretary