April 28, 2004

The meeting was convened by Dr. Chris Hanlon, Chair, at 4:10 p.m. in the Library Conference Room. 

Present:Harrison Green, Eric Hake, Chris Hanlon, Olivet Jagusah, Leslie Rios, Dawn Van Gunten, and Dean Lanham

Excused:Scott Meiners and Chuck Phillips

Absent:Kathryn Bulver, Steve Davis, Olaf Hoerschelmann, Tom Moncada, Frances Murphy, Stacey Ruholl, John Stimac, Mukti Upadhyay

I.Welcome and Comments

The minutes from the March 10, 2004 meeting were approved as submitted.

II. Communications

Communications were received from Scott Meiners and Chuck Phillips regarding their inability to attend today�s meeting.

III. Old Business

Books & Materials Budget Resolution.Olivet Jagusah and Harrison Green presented the Books and Materials Budget resolution they drafted. The Board reviewed the resolution and made several recommendations for change which the committee addressed, redrafting the resolution.  The committee that drafted the resolution agreed to meet after adjournment to finalize the changes discussed.

Elections: Scott Meiners was nominated as chair and Harrison Green was nominated as vice chair.  It was determined that a quorum was present so a vote by show of hands was taken.  Scott Meiners will be the new chair with Harrison Green as the vice-chair for the next term.

IV. New Business 

There was no new business.

Dean�s Report

The Dean expressed his appreciation for the Board�s service and leadership this past term and presented the members with a library memento.

Personnel Issues

There have been no changes since the last meeting in library personnel.Departments continue to share civil service positions due to vacancies.  Dean Lanham is working with the Provost to fill more staff positions held vacant this year.

The library was included in the 2003 technology awards ceremony sponsored by the Grants and Research Department.  Nackil Sung, head of Library Technology Services, received an award.

Service Issues

The annual Periodical and Standing Order Review report was distributed showing titles recommended for cancellation due to budget cuts, totaling $81,000.  Some departments had to cancel journal titles in order to have book titles available for their use next year.  Also, print sources that duplicated electronic sources were cut from Reference holdings.  Dean Lanham reminded the board that this is a proposed list and that there might be other changes before September.  He noted that some of these are healthy cuts.  The change this year is that the process of making decisions which used to start in summer and finalized in September will now begin earlier so as to be completed by spring.

Planning Issues

FY2005 Library calendar is going to print.

Elizabeth I: Ruler and Legend exhibit program evaluation.  Library faculty reviewed the process today and felt this exhibit was a worthy set of activities for the campus and was excellent preparation for the 2005 Frankenstein series.  Comments made by board members included �fabulously worthwhile;� �we definitely need cultural activities on a regular basis;� and, �congratulations to the dean, faculty and staff for a job well done.�

2005 Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation (PIE) Grants proposals submitted.  Two grants were applied for, one through the College of Science and the other in collaboration with the �rest of campus.�  We have asked for additional dollars for electronic resources; however, the monies received could be used for continuing access to electronic resources.

One Book, One University Fall 2004:  Nickel and Dimed by Barbara Ehrenreich.  The library will offer a summer experimental reading activity using this book.  It is anticipated that during a two-week period in October, a campus-wide activity would commence.  The dean was asked to talk to the Honors College to team with them to generate interest and it was also mentioned that the idea be presented to student clubs, working through the advisors.  The library will look to faculty to help in this regard.  Faculty should be encouraged to tie it into their discipline and syllabus.  It was mentioned that Charleston Carnegie Public Library could be contacted to promote a community-wide event.  The library will purchase multiple copies.  Discussions will continue this summer to explore additional ideas.


Dean Lanham mentioned that Library Advisory Board member, Leslie Rios, would be attending library school at the University of Illinois at Champaign next fall.  Dean Lanham thanked the members for their participation on the board and said letters would be drafted for their portfolios.

V. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 5:10 pm.


Respectfully submitted by:

Christine Derrickson, Recording Secretary