October 20, 2004

The meeting was convened by Dr. Scott Meiners, Chair, at 4:04 p.m. in the Library Conference Room.

Present:Jose Deustua, Ann Fritz, Harrison Green, Eric Hake, Chris Hanlon, Olaf Hoerschelmann, Allen Lanham, Scott Meiners, Tom Moncada, Frances Murphy, Charles Phillips, Stacey Ruholl, MuktiUpadhyay, and Dean Lanham

Not Present:Olivet Jagushah, Dawn Van Gunten, and Steve Davis

Visitor:Karen Whisler

I.Welcome and Comments

Introductions were made of all members of the advisory board for this year.

The minutes from the April 28 meeting were corrected (the spelling of Scott Meiner�s name), and then approved.


II. Communications

Communications were received from Olivet Jagushah and Dawn Van Gunten regarding their inability to attend today�s meeting.Dawn Van Gunten indicated that she will be unable to attend all semester due to a class conflict.


III. Old Business



IV. New Business 

2004 Periodical and Standing Order Review discussion was deferred as part of the Dean�s Report.


Dean�s Report


Personnel Issues


Service Issues

Budget Issues

Planning Issues


V. Adjournment


Scott Meiners reminded the board of the next meeting schedule for November 10 and the meeting was adjourned at 5:15 pm.


Respectfully submitted by:

Christine Derrickson, Recording Secretary