November 30, 2005


The meeting was convened by Dr. Ann Fritz, Chair, at 4:04 p.m., in the Library Conference Room, 4440.


Present:Monty Bennett, Jose R. Deustua, Ann Fritz, Harrison Green, Sam Guccione, Eric Hake, Allen Lanham, Peggy Holmes Layman, Chris Mitchell, Marina Marjanovic, Frances Murphy, and Brent Walker


Not Present:Olaf Hoerschelmann, Mukti Upadhyay, Charles Eberly


I.Welcome and Comments

The minutes from the October 5, 2005 meeting were approved as submitted.


Brent Walker was welcomed to the Board, as an alternate for the College of Education and Professional Studies.It was announced that Charles Eberly is also new to the Board, completing Olivet Jagusah�s term for the College of Education and Professional Studies.


II. Communications

Communication was received from Charles Eberly regarding his inability to attend today�s meeting.


III. Old Business

FY2006 Book and Materials Budget � Review was made of a handout showing Booth Library�s book and materials budget for FY06, divided by college and department.Dean Lanham explained and answered questions as to how library funds are distributed to the various discipline accounts.In addition, the President and Provost allocated $67,000 to the library this year which the dean placed into the Book and Materials Budget.The Collection Development Committee recommended the following e-resources:Early English Books Online, PsychArticles, TeachingBooks.net, Readers Guide Retrospective, JSTOR Biology module, and Safari technology e-books.Dr. Lanham further explained that bibliographers work closely with the departmental library coordinators when making purchasing decisions.


IV. New Business


Dean�s Report


Personnel Issues

Federal dollars are available to provide for a library internship program.A grant proposal is being written to allow Booth Library to shepherd a recent graduate who will work on special library projects for a year after getting a library science degree.There has been a steady decline in the number of librarians and the strain is felt most severely in schools as well as smaller libraries where retiring librarians are often replaced by persons without a library science degree.If our grant is accepted, we would receive notification in FY2007 and could get a program implemented and funds received in FY2008.


Service Issues

Sarah Johnson, reference librarian, demonstrated SFX, which is an electronic linking service that creates direct links from Booth Library's electronic databases to the full text of articles and to other related resources and services.  If the full text of an article is unavailable in one database, SFX will indicate whether one might be able to find it in another database.  If so, it will provide a link so that the article can automatically be retrieved.If no full text is available, SFX will help one locate the item in ILLINET Online.  If Booth Library doesn't own any issues of the journals, SFX will allow one to search the online catalog of other Illinois academic libraries (the All ILCSO Libraries Catalog).It will also allow one to fill out an online form to obtain items via interlibrary loan.


The library will become home to the Faculty Development Office this spring when International Programs moves back to Blair Hall.


Budget Issues

The FY2006 Book and Materials Budget was discussed under Old Business.


Planning Issues

One Book, One University � Dean Lanham asked that Board members continue to think of titles for consideration to be used as the topic for summer-themed courses for 2007.This item will appear on the agenda for our first meeting in the spring.


Dean Lanham gave a brief review of the Frankenstein exhibition, stating that there were over 42 activities and the exhibit was mentioned more than 54 times in the press during the five-week period.The number of persons attending the various activities was in excess of 2,000 persons.Dean Lanham thanked those on the board who were involved and was impressed with the level of faculty participation.Discussion ensued regarding the importance of interdisciplinary ties to the Frankenstein exhibit and future exhibits.Dean Lanham reported that in the spring of 2007 the traveling exhibition, Farm Life: A Century of Change for Farm Families and Their Neighbors will arrive at Booth Library and the Wrapped in Pride: Ghanian Kente and African American Identity exhibit will be here in 2009.In January 2006, The Music Publishers� Association Paul Revere Awards pieces will be on display at Booth Library.Currently the American Library Association sponsored exhibits tend to be the best fit for our use.Others may require additional security or other things which the University and our library are unable to accommodate. Dean Lanham asked the Board for ideas for future exhibits that would tie to disciplinary curriculums.



Added to the agenda for spring will be a review of the FY06-07 Booth Library calendar.The dates for the spring 2006 meetings will be sent to the Board via e-mail.


V. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 5:14 p.m.


Respectfully submitted by:

Christine Derrickson, Recording Secretary