October 17, 2007

Dr. Peggy Holmes Layman, Chair, convened the meeting at 4:05 p.m., in Booth Library Conference Room 4440.


Present:  Rick Anderson, Monty Bennett, Marie Fero, Terri Fredrick, Dean Allen Lanham, Peggy Holmes Layman, Karla Kennedy-Hagan, Keith Kohanzo, Thomas McDonald, Chris Mitchell, Sham�ah Md-Yunus, Angelina Montleon, and Tom Nelson.


I.  Welcome and Comments

The minutes from the September 19, 2007 meeting were approved as submitted.


II.  Communications

Communication was received from Sam Guccione regarding his inability to attend and that Thomas McDonald would take his place.  In addition, Marina Marjanovic and Linda Ghent conveyed their inability to attend and were excused from the meeting.


III. Old Business

·Review of Library Advisory Bylaws -  Dean Lanham asked if meeting at 4:00 p.m. on Wednesdays was acceptable to everyone.  Discussion ensued with regard to faculty having 4:00 p.m. classes but most felt it was not a problem.  All agreed that all disciplines are fairly represented on the Board and agreed that no changes needed to be made to the Bylaws.  The new revision date just needs to be added at the bottom of the Bylaws.

·Review of policy drafts � With regard to the Booth Library Exhibits Policy, discussion ensued as to priority used for library and university vs. non-library sponsored exhibits.  Dean Lanham explained the need for the policy to be not so rigid with respect to exhibit content and length of time exhibits are displayed.  There were no suggested changes for the Patron Privacy Policy.  The policy on Responding to Law Enforcement Inquiries For Patron Information drew the most comments.  Concern was expressed with regard to wording in the second paragraph and felt that clarification was needed with regard to steps a civil service person, in the absence of a supervisor, needed to take regarding the disclosure of confidential information to a law enforcement officer.  These concerns will be directed back to the appropriate library committees for review.  The Board expressed their support for all three policies.

·One Book, One University 2008 � It is again time to determine the next book to be used in this program.  Bonnie Irwin, who leads the �Eastern Reads!� program, suggested that the book be shorter in length and one that might appeal to transfer and other types of students.  The book last selected by this Board was The Grapes of Wrath, which coincided with a national traveling exhibit that Booth Library hosted. The next  exhibit the Library will be hosting will be in the spring and is entitled, �Breaking News� (History of the Associated Press).  The �Eastern Reads!� program, while a great success, was geared for freshmen.  Last semester the Board waited to see if the �Great Beginnings� titles could be used but so far that project has not made sufficient progress for the Board to wait any longer.  In the past, novels have been chosen.  It is hoped that the chosen book would keep students involved in reading for pleasure.  Also, the book needs to be chosen at least one semester ahead so that professors can incorporate the book into their curriculum.  Discussion on this matter included suggestions of having shorter pieces of selected readings, perhaps articles instead of a book and perhaps having some sort of incentive for students to read the book�like coupons from Starbucks.  Board members were asked to check with their colleagues and email their suggestions to Peggy Holmes Layman prior to our next meeting.

·FY2008 Book and Materials Budget � due to time constraints, this will be discussed at our next meeting.


IV. New Business


Dean�s Report



Dean Lanham invited the Board to participate in the Homecoming Parade with Booth Library.  This year�s theme, �Lights, Camera, Action� is especially appropriate as most movies originated as a book.  All Booth participants are wearing black or Eastern blue and we will meet at 8:30 a.m. in the Booth Library parking lot.


John Looby, Library Unit Head of Media Services was our guest presenter.  He spoke about what Media Services provides to Eastern.  Provisions include: media production, media duplication, format conversion, professional digital photography, large format printing, loan of portable media equipment, support to faculty and staff using media in classrooms and at University functions, design and support for technology enhanced classrooms, and installation and repair of University medial equipment and systems.  In March of 2008, plans are to incorporate HDTV and new screen formats.  Posters produced at Media Services are generally less expensive than other vendors.


Robert Hillman, University Archivist, will speak at our next meeting on November 28, 2007.


V. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 5:02 p.m.


Respectfully submitted by:

Christine Derrickson, Recording Secretary