April 15, 2009


Dr. Karla Kennedy-Hagan, Chair, convened the meeting at 4:05 p.m., in Booth Library Conference Room 4440.


Present:� Rick Anderson, Barbara Carlsward, Joe Gisondi, Matt Hagaman, Christopher Hanlon, Karla Kennedy-Hagan, Dean Allen Lanham, Thomas McDonald, Robert Petersen, and Tina Veale.


Excused:� Marie Fero, Terri Fredrick, and Sham�ah Md-Yunus.


I.� Welcome and Comments

Karla Kennedy-Hagan called the meeting to order.� A motion was made by Rick Anderson and seconded by Matt Hagaman to approve the minutes from the February 11, 2009 meeting as written; the motion carried.

Several Board members mentioned seeing the signs for National Library Week.� Dr. Lanham shared the activities being held for the week.� Tuesday, April 14, 2009, was Library Worker�s Day, something that has only been celebrated in the last five years, sponsored by the American Library Association.� Members of the National Library Week Committee brought in food representing different nationalities, in the spirit of the week�s theme, "Worlds Connect @ Your Library."� Tuesday evening the Library sponsored Video Gaming Night in the Library atrium. Many students participated and watched popular video games projected onto large screens. �Among the exhibits on display that week were, Libraries Around the World, Did You Know? and Booth Picks, highlighting items from the library�s collection, that were recommended by staff members.� Library Service desks offered free bookmarks and candy to patrons during the week, and a drawing for free books from the annual book sale held on Wednesday, April 15, 2009.� Dr. Lanham reported that as of the time of the meeting, while the book sale was still in progress, Booth Library had netted approximately $1200. These funds support special activities or collections.

II. Communications

Communications were received from Monty Bennett, Marie Fero, Terri Fredrick, and Sham�ah Md-Yunus regarding their inability to attend today�s meeting.


III. Old Business

Booth Library�s draft calendar for 2009-2010 was reviewed.� Our student representative, Matt Hagaman, inquired as to whether or not the Library had considered opening one half hour earlier (at 7:30 a.m.) and closing one half hour earlier (at 12:30 p.m.)� Dr. Lanham explained that more students arrive later at the library and prefer the longer evening hours.� If a student needs a photocopy made, document printed, or a computer to use, there are other areas on campus that are open at 7:30 a.m. for their use.� The question was raised about the availability of library use by faculty during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.� Dr. Lanham assured the Board that faculty could have, and always have had, access to the Library during the break times when the doors are closed to the general public; faculty only need to call the Library�s administration office (581-6061) for access.� The Library�s faculty are on a 12-month contract and civil service workers are here as well.� Several staffers take vacation at that time and much house cleaning takes place.� The Library will not be open during University-recognized paid holidays.


Karla Kennedy-Hagan called for election of officers.� Joe Gisondi accepted the nomination of Chair and Robert Petersen indicated his desire to remain as Vice-Chair.� They were elected by acclamation.


IV. New Business


Dean�s Report



         Dr. Lanham introduced guest speaker, Ann Brownson, Reference Librarian and education bibliographer.� Ann Brownson discussed the Ballenger Teachers Center facility, its collection and programs.� There are over 40,000 children�s books, including �big books� designed to be read in large groups and by those visually challenged, and over 15,000 textbooks and teaching materials for PreK - 12 grades.� In addition, there is a significant collection of non-book materials including games, puzzles, and puppets, to name a few, including new resources for students studying Communication Disorders.� Ann Brownson also purchases the award winning books each year, i.e., Caldecott, Newberry, The Michael L. Printz Award (for young adult novels) and the Coretta Scott King Award.� And, as requested by the students, she has also purchased the Harry Potter series and the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer.� The Ballenger Teachers Center provides materials and resources to students of the University who are preparing to be teachers as well as providing materials and services to area teachers and professors.� The students with the highest use of the Center are the elementary education students, especially in the areas of reading and math.� Ann also maintains the website and has worked hard to develop a resource list for students.� In past years, Ann Brownson has held a �story time� series every fall and spring for community children but this year that wasn�t possible.� In addition to tours of the Center, Ann also visits area schools sharing materials.� Dean Lanham said that a major goal of the Center is to be a model school library and to provide resources to students studying to be teachers.� Several of the Board members complimented Ann on the Center and its collection and requested especially to have the �story time� return.

         Dr. Lanham thanked everyone for their participation on the Board this term and as a gift, offered each the choice of a Booth Library coaster or pen.


Service Issues

         The Ghanaian Kente Cloth exhibit at Booth Library during February and March 2009 was a worthwhile effort.� However, with the exception of Robert Petersen�s presentation on opening night, we did not get the turn out of students or faculty as we had anticipated.

         For Spring Read 2009: Three Cups of Tea, two discussion groups were held and were the most poorly attended ever.� One session had three persons and the other session was co-chaired by Karla Kennedy-Hagan and Allen Lanham with only four persons in attendance.� During the ensuing discussion, our student representative, Matt Hagaman, felt that there wasn�t enough press notice about the discussion groups, although notice had gone out to the Daily Eastern News and the online campus Newsletter.� Several Board members felt that it was a campus-wide issue, that of student disinterest in these types of activities as well as in other scholarly organizations.� It would appear, from the faculty perspective, that students are more electronic-oriented and prefer writing online vs. speaking in class.� Chris Hanlon also felt that the campus today is not �bookish� as it had been in years past.� One idea, presented by Joe Gisondi, was to have a program whereby students named their favorite books and then the programs around that might interest them (posters made of them with their book, or whatever appeals to today�s student).� Due to lack of participation, Dr. Lanham recommended that the program be discontinued, at least for a couple of years.

         The Student Senate Forum on Library hours was held on March 10, 2009, and Dr. Lanham felt the debate went very well.� Student senate representative, Christopher Kromphardt, was well prepared but disappointed in the turnout of approximately 23 students as he had expected at least 50 students.� Chris has decided not to pursue this issue further without more support from fellow students.

         Hands on EIU on April 4, 2009, was an activity that Booth Library participated in. Several potential incoming (fall semester) freshman toured campus and several stopped at the Library and participated in a tee-shirt activity.� The free shirts were imprinted with �what�s my number, check me out.�� There were other activities for these students at various locations around campus.

         The International Student Association will have an exhibit at Booth Library during the week of April 20-24, 2009.


Collection Issues

Year end funds from Library Administration have been transferred to Books and Materials. �These funds will pay for journal overages and will purchase two new databases: one in science and the other in 19th century British periodicals.


Planning Issues

         The exhibit in 2010, �Influence of the Normal School in the Development of Illinois� is an exhibit based on Eastern and other Normal schools in Illinois.� It coincides with the accreditation of the College of Education.� Gathering of materials is already in process and the preparation for this exhibit will begin some time in July.� We currently are working steadily on the Art and Architecture in Illinois Libraries grant project which needs to be finished by July as we will have an exhibit in Chicago for the American Library Association annual conference.

         For Eastern�s Capital Campaign, Dean Lanham asked the Board to think of how Booth Library has touched their life or that of someone they know and to bring a story that the Library can use in this Campaign.� One Board member mentioned Andrew Lenaghan, a former EIU student, Booth civil service worker and now librarian at Joliet Community College.

V. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 5:02 p.m.�



Respectfully submitted by:

Christine Derrickson, Recording Secretary