October 21, 2009


Dr. Robert Petersen, Vice-Chair, presided over the meeting in the Chair�s absence.� The meeting convened at 4:05 p.m., in Booth Library Conference Room 4440.


Present:� Rick Anderson, Christopher DeShon, Christopher Hanlon, Abdou Illia, Dean Allen Lanham, Stephen Lucas, Thomas McDonald, Kiran Padmaraju, Robert Petersen, Tina K. Veale, and Peter S. Wiles.


Excused:� Julie Benedict, Marie Fero, and Joe Gisondi.


I.� Welcome and Comments

A motion was made to approve the minutes from the September 23, 2009, meeting, as amended; the motion carried.


II. Communications

Communications were received from Julie Benedict, Lola Burnham, Marie Fero, and Joe Gisondi conveying their inability to attend.


III. Old Business

EIU Integrative Learning Initiative, Booth Library.� There was considerable discussion regarding the scope and direction of this Initiative, as it pertains to Booth Library.� Under discussion were issues such as: submission deadline for Spring 2010 awards, prizes to be awarded; categories of entries and the distinction of and variation of works, vying for the same prize; co-mingling of disciplines; members of the jury, i.e., first year just Library Advisory Board vs. outside representation; whether the competition would be open to graduates as well as undergraduates; instructions for entries; group participation vs. individual participation; and, presentation and/or exhibit.� Dr. Lanham hopes to make an announcement for submission prior to the Christmas break.


IV. New Business


Dean�s Report



Dean Lanham introduced his guest, Sable Harp to the Board.� Sable came to Eastern as a transfer student interested in pursuing a masters degree in library science after her undergrad.� Booth Library identifies students who intend to continue their studies to become librarians and employs them as student assistants, and rotates them each semester to a different department in the Library.� Since arriving at Booth two years ago, Sable has worked at various departments, among them being the Reference department, Acquisitions, and currently the Ballenger Teachers Center.� Sable Harp feels that this last position has determined for her the area of concentration she intends to pursue at the graduate level.� Sable Harp, together with fellow Acquisition student, Stephanie Niemeyer, made a poster presentation this year at the annual Illinois Library Association conference in Peoria.




Dean Lanham announced that three civil service positions were filled this month, two in the Circulation department and one in Reference.� One civil service position and one faculty position remain to be filled.


Service Issues

Due to time constraints, Dean Lanham tabled the service issues for our next meeting, schedule for December 2, 2009.� The Spring 2009 Patron Satisfaction Survey was distributed for Board review prior to our next meeting.


Collection Issues

Likewise, Dean Lanham tabled the collection issues for our next meeting.


Planning Issues

Dr. Lanham requested that the Board participate in Save Illinois Libraries, a grass roots project where individuals contact their legislators to have them pledge to commit to library needs when money is available.� Following is the link on the Illinois Library Association website: http://capwiz.com/ala/il/issues/alert/?alertid=14102116


Budget Issues

To be discussed at our next meeting.


V. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned, 5:16 p.m.�



Respectfully submitted by:

Christine Derrickson, Recording Secretary