December 2, 2009


Professor Joe Gisondi, Chair, convened the meeting at 4:02 p.m., in Booth Library Conference Room 4440.


Present:Julie Benedict, Marie Fero, Joe Gisondi, Christopher Hanlon, Dean Allen Lanham, Stephen Lucas, Thomas McDonald, Kiran Padmaraju, Robert Petersen, Tina K. Veale, and Peter S. Wiles.


Excused:Rick Anderson, Lola Burnham, Abdou Illia, and Heather K. Webb


I. Welcome and Comments

A motion was made by Tina Veale and seconded by Robert Petersen, to approve the minutes from the October 21, 2009 meeting as submitted; the motion carried.


II. Communications

Communications were received from Rick Anderson, Lola Burnham, Abdou Illia, and Heather K. Webb conveying their inability to attend.


III. Old Business

EIU Integrative Learning Initiative, Booth Library.

Dean Lanham presented to the Board a draft of the 2010 Guidelines and Application for Booth Library�s Awards for Excellence in Student Research and Creativity.There was discussion and minor revisions and additions made to the document.Dr. Lanham will make arrangements to have this program announced to students, as well as forming the members of the Jury, which will consist of members of the Library Advisory Board, the Library Faculty and other invited specialists.The deadline for students to submit their entries is April 1, 2010, with an April 10, 2010 deadline for the recipients to be selected.Prize are yet to be determined.


2009 Patron Satisfaction Survey.

Dr. Lanham reviewed the findings of the 2009 Patron Satisfaction Survey, explained how the survey was administered, and was pleased to report that the data, once again, showed a high approval rating for Booth Library�s holdings and services offered.Of concern was the response to the question with regard to use of Interlibrary Loan. Responses indicated that not many students took advantage of this significant resource the Library offers.Attached to the survey results was a listing of narrative comments made by undergraduate, graduate and some faculty who took the survey.Dr. Lanham explained how these comments are not always specific and generally focus on one concern, such as library hours.Next year the survey will contain specific questions about Library hours as well as noise levels, two consistently over powering, in terms of number, comments made.The Statistics Committee takes this survey very seriously and is generally pleased with the results.The survey results have shown a 1-1/2 percent decrease in the use of Library books � a trend being experienced by most academic libraries as the availability of electronic resources increases.


IV. New Business


Dean�s Report



The Faculty ad hoc Search Committee has been formed to fill a vacant librarian position.The candidate for this position will have responsibilities that include Institutional Depository, archiving of digital materials, and as a resource person to EIU faculty for copyright issues.


Service Issues

Dr. Lanham was pleased to announce that the JSTOR statistics for FY09 were very positive.Booth Library pays approximately $26,000 each year for use of this electronic resource and the cost for FY09 was about $0.08 per access.


Collection Issues

Booth Library received a major gift donation of classical CDs from the Schenke family.


The Collection Development Committee made recent decisions to add Springer eBooks and ARTstor to the Library�s resources.Springer eBooks contain thirteen subject collections. After the initial buy-in costs, the Library will pay an annual subscription price ($11,000 for FY10) for access to more than 20,000 items, compared to the 133 items previously available.Booth Library purchased a five-year package which makes this our largest e-book collection.The Cataloging Department will attempt to load this into the online catalog.If unsuccessful, Springer eBooks will be treated as a database.Almost all of the Illinois state libraries are using this resource.In addition, Booth Library has contracted with ARTstor, a digital library of images in the arts, humanities and social sciences.This resource should be available in January 2010.


Planning Issues

The Normal School History exhibit is slated for fall 2010 and the Library is continuing to work on exhibits.Dean Lanham requested Board members to encourage their students to participate.


Budget Issues

Dean Lanham explained in detail the Booth Library Book and Materials Budget for FY10.The budget is divided by college and department to ensure that materials are purchased in all fields.He explained some of the mysteries of ordering library materials and the use of the contingency fund found within Booth Library Interdisciplinary Accounts.Newly added is the Nursing department and their funding was by grant.Binding is a significant cost and is considered an investment to preserve the collection.


Dr. Lanham shared a value letter report from CARLI (Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois), a significant consortia to which Booth Library belongs.This report outlines the cost-saving benefits the Library receives from our membership in CARLI.We invested $246,436 in electronic resources purchased through the negotiated consortial rates provided by CARLI.Without the discount the membership provides, the same materials would have cost the Library $734,367.In addition, CARLI helps their library partners with licensing issues, education, training, and networking.


V. Adjournment

It was moved by Tom McDonald and seconded by Robert Petersen, that the meeting be adjourned, 5:06 p.m.



Respectfully submitted by:

Christine Derrickson, Recording Secretary