April 14, 2010


Professor Joe Gisondi, Chair, convened the meeting at 4:02 p.m., in Booth Library Conference Room 4440.


Present:� Rick Anderson, Julie Benedict, Lola Burnham, Marie Fero, Joe Gisondi, Abdou Illia, Dean Allen Lanham, Stephen Lucas, Thomas McDonald, Robert Petersen, Kiran Padmaraju, and Peter Wiles


Excused:� Jeffrey J. Snell and Tina Veale


I. Welcome and Comments

A motion was made by Kiran Padmaraju and seconded by Marie Fero, to approve the minutes from the February 24, 2010 meeting as submitted; the motion carried.


II. Communications

Communications were received from Jeffrey J. Snell and Tina Veale regarding their inability to attend.


III. Old Business

EIU Integrative Learning Initiative, Booth Library: Awards for Excellence in Student Research and Creativity

There were 13 submissions (3 by one student) for this program as follows:

         James Buckwalter: �Shipboard Insurrections, the British Government and Anglo-American Society in the Early 18th Century,� a written work


Ten Board members evaluated each of the submissions, using the �Evaluation Rubric� form to assign a numeric value to the three criteria:� excellence, research/creativity, and use of research resources.� A list was comprised of entries ranked most deserving and discussion ensued with regard to the merits of each entry.� After the discussion a vote was again taken and the following were selected as winners:



Booth Library will contact each winner by mail and an announcement will be made in the Daily Eastern News.� A formal presentation of awards will be held soon thereafter.


Further discussion ensued with regard to parameters for next year�s award and additional requirements for student entries.


IV. New Business

Elections were held for Chair and Vice-Chair for the Library Advisory Board�s 2010-2011 term.� Tina Veale was elected Chair and Lola Burnham was elected Vice-Chair.�


Dean�s Report

Dean Lanham wished everyone a happy National Library Week and mentioned all the events scheduled for the week, including:



Dr. Lanham reported that a search is still in progress for the vacant 12-month, tenure-track librarian position.� In addition, Lanham reported that two Library faculty will retire during summer 2010.


Service Issues

The Graduate Studies Council approved credit-free courses for students working on oral or written exams.� This will allow these students full use of Library services.


Collection Issues

The 2010 Periodical and Standing Order Review has been completed.� A list is on Booth�s website of all journals slated to be cut, as well as some print titles.� They are being removed due to financial considerations.� However, final decisions will be made in the fall.� Dr. Lanham asked for suggestions on scenarios for future acquisitions but due to time constrains, this item will be tabled until next semester.


Planning Issues



V. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 5:11 p.m.�



Respectfully submitted by:

Christine Derrickson, Recording Secretary