October 6, 2010


Dr. Tina Veale, Chair, convened the meeting at 4:01 p.m., in the Edgar Room, Booth Library Room 3202.


Present:� Lola Burnham, Christopher Hanlon, Abdou Illia, Dean Allen Lanham, Madeline Landes, Stephen Lucas, Roberto Luna, Betsy Pudliner, Amy Rosenstein, Jenny Sipes, Tina Veale, Peter Wiles, and Mandy Wu


Excused:� Julie Benedict, Amitabh Joshi, Kiran Padmaraju, and Jeffrey Snell


I. Welcome and Comments

As this was the first meeting of the semester, everyone introduced themselves. Dr. Lanham offered thanks to Lola Burnham for her kind remarks sent in an email with regard to Booth Library getting the best of show award for the Harry Potter exhibition booklet prepared by the Library last year.


A motion was made by Lola Burnham and seconded by Stephen Lucas, to approve the minutes from the April 14, 2010 meeting as submitted; the motion carried.


II. Communications

Communications were received from Amitabh Joshi and Kiran Padmaraju regarding their inability to attend meetings for the fall semester; Amy Rosenstein will substitute for Kiran Padmaraju, except she will not be able to attend the November 3, 2010 meeting.� Communications were also received from Jeffrey J. Snell and Julie Benedict regarding their inability to attend today�s meeting.


III. Old Business

There was no old business.


IV. New Business


Dean�s Report��

Dean Lanham expressed his thanks for all who are serving on the Library Advisory Board this year.� He then proceeded to review each of the handout documents contained in the packets, reviewing in greater detail the bylaws for the Library Advisory Board.



Dr. Lanham reported that Todd Bruns was hired, effective November 15, 2010, as the Institutional Repository librarian at Booth Library.� A search is still in progress for the vacant 12-month, tenure-track science and reference librarian position.�


Service Issues

Dean Lanham encouraged everyone to take advantage of a statewide database, �Try It! Illinois,� during the trial use period of October 1-November 30, 2010.






Collection Issues


Planning Issues


Budget Issues

Dr. Lanham gave a general overview of the FY2011 library budget, which, like the rest of campus, includes a 25 percent reduction for operating accounts from last year�s budget.�



         Dr. Lanham opened the floor for questions.� Student Representative, Roberto Luna, asked questions about Booth Library hours and the ceiling leaks in reference and other locations throughout the Library.� Dr. Lanham gave satisfactory answers to his questions.

         Dr. Christopher Hanlon asked about the Faculty Development changes and how it would affect the Library; Dr. Lanham explained that Faculty Development would remain housed in Booth Library.� It was noted that Dr. Dagni Bredesen of the English Department is the new interim director.

         Dr. Lanham suggested that at the next meeting the Board discuss the Awards for Excellence in Student Research and Creativity that were started last year in Booth Library as part of the EIU Integrative Learning Initiative.


V. Adjournment

Christopher Hanlon moved, and Abdou Illia seconded, that the meeting be adjourned, 5:03 p.m.�



Respectfully submitted by:

Christine Derrickson, Recording Secretary