<% vID = request.queryString("ID") set myCnn=server.createobject("adodb.connection") myCnn.connectiontimeout=40 myCnn.open "dsn=EducationExhibit" set myRst=server.createobject("adodb.recordset") myRst.open "Select * from qMemories order by SchName", myCnn vINT=2 %> Read/Share Your Memories in School Years - EIU - Booth Library
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Read School Memories   share your memory with others

<% if vID <>"" then myRst.open "Select * from tblMemories where ID = " & vID, myCnn vMemory = vbcrlf & vbcrlf & myRst("Memory") vName2 = "- " & myRst("FName") & " " & myRst("LName") 'vMemory = replace(vMemory, vbcrlf, "
") 'myRst("LName") 'myRst("FName") 'myRst("Email") 'myRst("Phone") 'myRst("SchType") vSchName = myRst("SchName") vTown = myRst("Town") vcounty = myRst("County") vSchoolYear = myRst("schoolYear") 'myRst("memory") vURL = myRst("PictureURL") 'myRst("Update") set myRst = nothing set myCnn = nothing end if response.write("School: " & vSchName & "    Year: " & vSchoolYear & "    ") response.write("Town: " & vTown & "    County: " & vCounty & "    ") if (vURL <> "") then response.write("Photo") response.write("
") %>